No. 1 Place to apply for free heating boilers and insulation grants in the UK to support low-income households and to make more energy-efficient homes.

ECO4 is a plan that will last for four years, starting on April 1st, 2022 and ending on March 31st, 2026. Its main goal is to improve the energy efficiency of low-income and vulnerable housing.

ECO is a program in which medium and large energy suppliers fund the installation of measures that help British homes save energy. These energy suppliers have goals based on how much of the energy market they control. The obligated energy suppliers work with installers to add certain energy-saving measures to your home.

The first step is to check your eligibility. Fill out our eligibility checker to see whether your home qualifies, and let us take care of the rest for you! We’ll help you every step of the way and ensure you get the most out of your home improvement project.

The ECO4 scheme is the latest version of the government’s ongoing initiative to help increase energy efficiency in the UK. With several households now in fuel poverty, this scheme targets lower-income households.

A new A+ grade condensing boiler could save you 20-30% on energy bills. It will also reduce the impact of future price hikes.